CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (CeMM)
CeMM is an interdisciplinary research institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences committed to achieve maximum scientific innovation in molecular medicine to improve healthcare. The Medical Epigenomics Lab at CeMM (led by Christoph Bock) aims to better understand and treat cancer and other diseases through technology-driven research. The lab’s extensive experience in medical research, in high-throughput biology and in bioinformatics has made it a pioneer in single-cell epigenome sequencing, single-cell transcriptomics of complex tissues and CRISPR single-cell sequencing.
CeMM is the coordinator of the HCA|Organoid project and leader of Work Packages 2 and 7. Their work in the project comprises the overall project coordination. This role builds upon more than 10 years of experience as work package leader in European projects. CeMM, as the leader of Work Package 2, will perform single-cell sequencing for brain organoids, but the team will also contribute to other Work Packages through a disease-centric pilot focusing on characterisation of disease-associated variants or through contributions to data analysis and HCA interaction.